Electro-Motive re-enters passenger locomotive market.

Electro-Motive re-enters passenger locomotive market with contract to supply Los Angeles area with first new Tier 4 passenger locomotives in North America

2013年5月30日--LAGRANGE, Ill. – Caterpillar Inc.’s Rail Division, which includes Electro-Motive Diesel, Inc., (EMD) a subsidiary of Progress Rail Services Corporation, announced today it has signed an agreement with the Southern California Regional Rail Authority to supply up to 20 EMD F125 series passenger locomotives for operation on Metrolink, the commuter rail service provider in Southern California. With this announcement, Metrolink becomes the first passenger railroad to purchase new transit locomotives designed to meet U.S. EPA Tier 4 emissions standards in North America. Delivery will begin in 2015.

The EMD F125 is compliant with the Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act’s (PRIIA) 305-005 Next Generation locomotive specifications, and meets or exceeds all of Metrolink’s requirements for procuring highly-reliable, fuel-efficient locomotives for passenger rail service. The Spirit is capable of operating at speeds of up to 125 mph, enabling it to satisfy potential increased speed requirements. In addition, the locomotives reduce emissions over the current Tier 0 fleet by more than 85 percent, per the U.S. EPA’s Tier 4 emissions standards for new diesel locomotives.

EMD的4,700马力F125机车包括一辆精简的vossloh铁路车辆(VRV)设计单套接(或单壳)车身,带有一个控制室,配备碰撞能源管理;涡轮增压,20圈;4行程CAT®C-175 20柴油发动机;交流牵引推进系统;VRV高速运行齿轮;逆变器控制的头端电源和所有适用于通勤和城区服务所需的所有配件。EMD计划在印第安纳州的Muncie设施汇集机车。

“We are delighted to be working with Metrolink, a visionary agency, and now a leader in the pursuit of new, cleaner operating passenger locomotives. EMD is pleased to provide Metrolink with the first passenger locomotives designed to meet Tier 4 emissions standards, marking EMD’s re-entry into the passenger rail business. We are proud to say we are back, and excited to be on the forefront of passenger rail technology,” said Billy Ainsworth, President and CEO of Progress Rail Services and Electro-Motive Diesel. “From EMD’s first record setting Zephyr, topping 112 mph in 1934, to our latest F125 Spirit capable of speeds up to 125 mph, we will rely on the combined strengths of Caterpillar’s Rail Division including EMD and Progress Rail to mark a new era of progress in the passenger rail market.”

EMD的高马力机车解决了Metrolink未来的业绩需求和预期的乘客增长。燃油效率的机车将与Metrolink的新轮级乘用车一起使用 - 也配备了崩溃的能源管理 - 这将产生最高水平的通勤轨道乘客安全,船员安全和乘客舒适度。

The F125 includes an SCR-only after-treatment system to meet U.S. EPA Tier 4 emissions standards. Equipped with an electronic fuel injection system, a Cat® C175 series diesel engine provides exceptional train acceleration advantages, compared to other less powerful locomotive products or older technologies, while maintaining Tier 4 emissions performance.

Caterpillar, Progress Rail and EMD have taken an enterprise approach to identify the optimal technology that can be applied to locomotives to achieve Tier 4 emissions standards. With the companies’ experience as a worldwide leader in locomotive technologies, EMD will offer Metrolink innovative solutions benefiting fleet performance and satisfying the need for increased capacity. Caterpillar, Progress Rail and EMD are the only OEMs to have designed and sold new locomotives designed to meet Tier 4 emissions standards.

As part of the locomotive procurement and its commitment to clean air, Metrolink will donate up to five F-59 locomotives for alternative fuels research and development programs in hopes of realizing emissions-free commuter rail operations in the future.



Comperive Rail Services Corp.的子公司柴油机,Inc。的1922年成立于1922年,是一家柴油机雷竞技app苹果版公司的柴油机公司的原始设备制造商。总部位于伊利诺伊州拉格朗桑,拥有额外的制造设施和各地的制造设施和商业办公室,EMD设计,制造商,为所有商业铁路应用销售柴油电机,并在全球70多个国家销售其产品。EMD是唯一生产超过72,500名发动机的柴油电力机车制造商,拥有北美和全球最大的安装基地。除了制造业活动外,EMD还拥有广泛的售后市场业务,为客户提供更换零件,维护解决方案和一系列增值服务。EMD也是柴油发动机的全球推进,海上和陆基油井钻井钻井平台和静止发电。

About Caterpillar:
85多年来,卡特彼勒公司making sustainable progress possible and driving positive change on every continent. With 2012 sales and revenues of $65.875 billion, Caterpillar is the world’s leading manufacturer of construction and mining equipment, diesel and natural gas engines, industrial gas turbines and diesel-electric locomotives. The company also is a leading services provider through Caterpillar Financial Services, Caterpillar Remanufacturing Services and Progress Rail Services. More information is available at:http://www.caterpillar.com.


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