印度的第一个柴油机车发动机5500 HP

- 'BHEEM,’ a Joint Effort by Indian Railways RDSO, DLW & EMD®

新德里,2015年3月12日:Electro-Motive Diesel Inc.(EMD),进步铁路服务公司的全资子公司,卡特彼勒公司,今天祝贺印度铁路最雷竞技app苹果版近的地标技术成果 - WDG5机车,设计最强大,技术先进的机车之一并由柴油机机车工作(DLW),瓦拉纳西和研究标准和发展组织(RDSO)在勒克瑙,从EMD支持。

Billy Ainsworth, President and Chief Executive Officer of Progress Rail and EMD said, “We are extremely pleased to be a part of the Indian Railways growth story. EMD has had a long and valued association of more than 50 years with the Indian Railways. We will continue our support of this alliance by developing and providing EMD best-in-class, worldwide locomotive technology. Designed specifically for the Indian Railways, the WDG5 locomotive model provides the basis for future product development in this strategic market. This is a state-of-art locomotive design, which will prove to be one of the most versatile and powerful diesel locomotives in the region, capable of running on existing tracks and also on the future dedicated freight corridors.

With an output of 5,500 bhp, the WDG5 is the strongest diesel locomotive ever to run on the Indian rail network. In combination with its record high tractive effort of 560 KN, it can pull significantly more load at higher speeds, thus enabling Indian Railways to increase the system throughput in the rail network.



The WDG5 locomotive has the capability to integrate EMD’s Intellitrain™ remote diagnostic and monitoring systems to reduce maintenance costs, enhance safety, and increase asset utilization, reliability and availability.



Progress Rail Services Corporation (Progress Rail), a wholly owned subsidiary of Caterpillar Inc., is a leading supplier of remanufactured locomotive and railcar products and services to the railroad industry, operating one of the most extensive rail service and supply networks in North America. More than 8,000 employees serve customers in a network of more than 165 locations across the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Italy, Germany and the United Kingdom.Progress Rail is headquartered in Albertville, Ala.

通过收购电动动机柴油机公司(EMD),进展铁路已扩大其全球地点网络,进一步承诺提供业界领先的产品和服务。雷竞技app苹果版Electro-Motive Diesel公司成立于1922年,是柴油电力机车的原始设备制造商。患有Lagrange,Ill的办公室,EMD设计,制造和销售所有商业铁路应用的柴油电机,是海洋推进,海上和陆基油井钻井钻井平台和固定发电的全球柴油发动机提供商。该公司是唯一生产超过72,500台发动机的柴油电力机车制造商,拥有北美和全球最大的安装基地。EMD还拥有广泛的售后市场业务,提供零件,维护解决方案和一系列增值服务。



90年来,Caterpillar Inc.一直在实现可持续发展,并在每个大陆上驾驶积极变化。客户转向Caterpillar,帮助他们开发基础设施,能源和自然资源资产。雷竞技有安全稳定凭借2014年的销售额和551.84亿美元,Caterpillar是世界领先的建筑和采矿设备制造商,柴油和天然气发动机,工业燃气轮机和柴油电机机车。该公司主要通过其三个产品段 - 资源行业,建筑行业和电力系统进行经营,并通过其金融产品细分提供融资和相关服务。有关更多信息,请访问caterpillar.com. To connect with us on social media, visitcaterpillar.com/social-media.


Electro-Motive Diesel,Inc。(EMD)

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Ajay Sinha

Tel.: 0-98100 17453



Achal Paul

暴徒:0-98101 62377


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Barbara Jansen