
This Data Governance Statement describes the practices of Caterpillar Inc. (together with our Affiliates, “Caterpillar,” “we,” “us” or “our”) for collecting information from distribution networks (including dealers and their related entities, “Distribution Networks”), Affiliates (as defined below) and each of our and their customers relating to machines, products or other assets and their associated worksites (collectively “Assets”). We collect this information through online and offline means including: (1) applications and platforms for use on or through computers, APIs, and mobile devices; (2) telematics or other devices on Assets, whether manufactured by Caterpillar or by other companies (“Devices” and, together with the Applications, “Digital Offerings”); and (3) our Distribution Networks, component manufacturers, service providers, and customers. As used in this Data Governance Statement, “you” means you individually and, as applicable, the company or entity you represent and each of its employees, agents and representatives.

You should regularly review this Statement carefully to understand what information our digital offerings receive, generate and transmit—and what we do with that information. By providing System Data, Operations Data, or Personal Information (each as defined below) to us, you agree to the terms and conditions of this Data Governance Statement, including our collection, use and sharing of that information.


“Personal Information” is any information about a specific individual or that identifies or may identify a specific individual, as further described in the卡特彼勒全球数据隐私声明。虽然这种数据治理声明包括对个人信息的引用,以便清晰和透明度,卡特彼勒全球数据隐私声明以及适用于您的数字产品的隐私声明是在这些文件中描述的事项控制,包括收集,使用,转移,​​披露和个人信息管理。此数据治理陈述中的任何内容旨在修改卡特彼勒全球数据隐私声明或任何适用的隐私声明。

“System Data” is information that is ingested or used by or generated through Digital Offerings, which may include:

  • 设备、资产和组件信息,包括型号、序列号、订单号、软件和硬件版本号、性能和配置,包括工作工具或其他附加到资产的外围设备。

  • 电子数据,包括传感器日志,趋势,直方图,事件数据,其他警报,数字状态数据,故障代码,空闲时间,日常和累积燃料消耗,排放数据,服务表小时,电子数据文件手动或自动从资产下载,故障排除数据和其他数据,具体取决于设备使用的客户和资产和通信信道。

  • Inspection Data, including results of inspections using a Caterpillar or third-party inspection system.

  • Device Location Information, including the physical location of an Asset (e.g., determined using satellite, GPS, cell phone tower, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi signals).

  • 流体数据,包括使用毛虫或第三方工具获得的流体样品(例如油,液压和冷却剂流体)的分析结果。

  • 事件记录器数据,包括位置,速度,方向和相关的视频录制,使用控制和正列车控制信息。

  • Service and Maintenance History, including work orders (records of all maintenance, repair, parts purchases, replacement and modification to an Asset), component life (history of usage and wear life of a component), maintenance schedule, planned maintenance, warranty coverage data, maintenance and repair contracts, service intervals (scheduled interval for planned maintenance of component replacement activities for an Asset), component lists (lists of parts that make up an Asset) and service letters (describing special service actions recommended by Caterpillar to correct a known problem with an Asset).

  • 现场和环境条件,包括正在进行的工作类型,道路或轨道条件,高度,气候和材料跟踪。

  • 使用模式,包括与您通过数字产品提供给我们的产品的任何用户定义的信息。

“Operations Data” is additional information we may collect from or that is otherwise provided by Distribution Networks, which may include:

  • 发票和服务合同中包含的信息。

  • Information about customers of Distribution Networks, including certain Personal Information relating to such customers or their dealer sales representatives.

  • 工作订单数据,包括有关客户的信息,所涉及的资产,所识别的问题和进行维修

  • Store hierarchy data, including information about dealer inventory reporting and replenishment processes.

  • 配电网用于管理一组资产(自有或租赁资产)的信息,包括配电网和工地的客户。

  • 经销商组件数据,包括与零件库存的管理和补充有关的信息,以及客户购买,退货和更换。




  • 通过设备:我们可以通过蜂窝或卫星链接或从配备有设备的资产的无线电或以太网连接接收信息,这可能包括系统数据(例如与设备或资产有关的信息)或个人信息(例如从生成的信息相关)通过疲劳监测设备,板载相机和接近检测系统以及驾驶室监控技术)。可以自动收集一些信息,例如故障代码,操作时间和燃料水平。

  • 通过应用程序和在线:我们可以通过应用程序收集信息(例如,输入维护信息时)或使用我们的网站,在线服务或平台时。我们还可以通过其他在线方式接收信息,例如当您通过现场服务器或电子邮件检查信息启动数据传输时。我们还可以收集通常通过网站和移动应用程序收集的信息,例如浏览器和设备信息,应用程序使用数据,通过cookie,像素标签和其他技术,IP地址和位置信息收集的信息。

  • 离线:当您与我们或我们的分销网络互动时,我们可以收集信息,参加我们的贸易展览,下订单或联系客服。

  • 从组件制造商和原始设备制造商:我们可以从您资产中的组件制造商或您使用的其他人制造的资产的制造商处获取系统数据。此信息可能会自动提供给我们。

  • 通过可穿戴技术:我们可以通过可穿戴技术收集信息,例如嵌入安全背心或安全背心的疲劳监测设备或RFID标签。

  • 来自资产所有者,分销网络和其他人:我们可以从资产所有者,配送网络,运营商和其他对资产负责的其他人收到其他信息。

  • 从其他来源:我们可以收到你的信息;n from other sources, such as public databases, joint marketing partners, social media platforms (including from people with whom you are friends or are otherwise connected) and from other third parties. We may collect or generate information from troubleshooting data, from your service providers (such as fluid analysts and site inspectors) or from maintenance, inspection or warranty records.


We may, and may permit our Distribution Networks to, use collected information for the following purposes:

  • 为您提供服务和其他服务:

  • 允许您或经销商监控资产的状态,以便为您提供应用程序,完成和满足购买,并与您进行的购买或租赁通信,并为您提供相关的客户服务。

  • To fulfill customer support agreements, perform maintenance and repairs and deliver rental Assets or parts.

  • 为运营商的安全,资产健康,维护,工地效率和生产力培训提出建议。

  • To enhance the safety of machine operations, including by tracking proximity to Assets, other objects or humans.

  • 启用远程技术人员服务,例如远程故障排除和远程调整。

  • To provide you with location-based services and content.

  • To Enable Communications:

  • 管理与资产或设备的连接。

  • To allow you and other users of Applications to communicate with each other through Applications.

  • 例如,发送行政或合同信息,有关使用数字产品的条款和条件,保修政策或服务合同的信息。

  • 为您提供有关新产品和服务的信息,并向您发送我们认为对您感兴趣的营销通信。

  • For General Business Purposes:

  • 进行市场研究或评估毛虫或分销网络。

  • To perform data analytics, audits, improving products, developing new products, enhancing, improving or modifying our Digital Offerings, identifying usage trends and operating and expanding our business activities and for statistical analysis based on aggregated and de-identified data, such as benchmarking reports.

  • 为客户提供服务,管理工作流程,监控修复,项目未来的维护和服务,以及解决问题。

  • To validate effectiveness of recommendations, resolve complaints, and fulfill orders.

  • To manage inventory so we can provide you parts and services.

  • 管理一支拥有或租赁资产的舰队。

  • 最大限度地提高运营效率并增加销售额。

  • 开发数字应用。

  • Other Uses:

  • 允许您参加抽奖活动,比赛或类似的促销活动,并管理这些活动。其中一些活动有其他规则,可能包含有关我们如何使用和披露您的个人信息的其他信息。我们建议您仔细阅读任何此类规则,包括卡特彼勒全球数据隐私声明以及任何适用的隐私声明。

  • 有关您和我们的额外用途。

With respect to audiovisual data that identifies an individual or physiological data for an identifiable individual, we will use that data only to provide products and services to our customers, including to make recommendations regarding safety, Asset health, maintenance, worksite efficiency and productivity training for operators, and to improve our products and services.


We may disclose information:

  • 直接或间接控制的实体, controlled by or under common control with Caterpillar Inc. (“Affiliates”) for the purposes described in this Data Governance Statement. Caterpillar Inc. is the entity responsible for information jointly used with its Affiliates.

  • To Distribution Networks to permit them to use System Data and Personal Information to maintain relationships with you, provide services to you and send marketing communications to you.

  • 资产所有者,允许他们管理资产的使用。

  • 我们的服务提供商提供数据分析、信息技术和相关基础设施提供、应用程序开发、平台托管、客户服务、产品开发、审计、咨询和其他服务。雷竞技有安全稳定

  • To component manufacturers, to permit them to study the use of their products, to improve their products and to develop new products.

  • 对资产业主的代理人,服务提供商或其他第三方与资产业主签订,他们为资产提供管理责任。

  • To a third party in the event of reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer or other disposition of all or any portion of our or any of our Affiliate’s business, Assets or stock (including in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceedings).

  • 通过Cat使数据与此数据治理语句一致开发者门户or other similar APIs.

  • To additional recipients as agreed by you and us.

位置数据:我们可以使用我们的关联公司和分销网络共享地点信息,使其能够为您提供本地化内容和服务。In some instances, you may be permitted to allow or deny such uses and/or sharing of your Device’s location, but if you do, we and/or our Affiliates and Distribution Networks may not be able to provide you with the applicable services and content.

我们可以使用或披露我们认为必要或适当的信息:(a)根据适用法律,包括居住国以外的法律(b) 遵守法律程序(c) 回应公共和政府当局的合法请求,包括居住国以外的公共和政府当局(d) 执行我们的条款和条件(电子) 保护我们或我们任何附属公司和分销网络的运营(f) 保护我们的权利、隐私、安全或财产,和/或我们的附属公司、分销网络、您或其他人的权利、隐私、安全或财产,包括出于信息安全的目的;以及(g)允许我们寻求可用的补救措施或限制我们可能承受的损害。

De-identified or Aggregated Information: We may use and disclose de-identified or aggregated information (i.e., information that does not identify you or any other user of the Digital Offerings) for any purpose, except where we are required to do otherwise under applicable law.


如Cat®远程服务中的进一步描述 - 软件更新过程选择产品链接™远程信息处理和CAT设备控制模块软件,根据您的设备和资产配置,我们可能会使用系统数据来远程:

  • 检查和更新我们制造或以其他方式提供的设备(例如,更新系统设置或管理用于连接到Caterpillar或其附属公司的通信载体)。

  • 为您的Cat资产更新控制机器操作的软件,我们可能会将软件更新文件推送到资产,以准备更新。

请参考CAT®远程服务 - 软件更新过程选择产品链接™远程信息处理和CAT设备控制模块软件有关如何管理远程软件更新以及与远程软件更新相关的选择的其他信息。


We use reasonable organizational, technical and administrative measures designed to protect information within our organization. Unfortunately, no data transmission or storage system can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. If you have reason to believe that your interaction with us is no longer secure (for example, if you feel that the security of your account has been compromised), please immediately notify us in accordance with the “Contacting Us” section below.


请参考卡特彼勒全球数据隐私声明and any applicable privacy notices to understand your rights and choices regarding our use and disclosure of your Personal Information.


Third Party Content: This Data Governance Statement does not address, and we are not responsible for (i) the privacy, information or other practices of any third party operating any website or online service to which a Digital Offerings links (e.g., our Applications may include, for your convenience, a hyperlink to local weather information provided by a third party with whom we have no business relationship) and (ii) Personal Information controlled by a third party, such as a supplier, service provider, or customer, even if such Personal Information is collected or otherwise processed by Caterpillar. Further, the inclusion of a link in a Digital Offering does not imply endorsement of the linked site or service by us or by our Affiliates.





We may change this Data Governance Statement. The “LAST UPDATED” legend at the top of this page indicates when this Data Governance Statement was last revised. Any changes will become effective when we post the revised Data Governance Statement. Your use of Digital Offerings following these changes means that you accept the revised Data Governance Statement.

