
Electro-Motive Diesel Exhibits at 2015 Workboat Show, Showcases Commitment to Marine Customers with EMD E23 Tier 4 Engine


阿拉巴马州阿尔伯特维尔——经过7年多的发展,卡特彼勒公司Progress Rail Services的子公司Electro Motive Diesel,Inc.很荣幸在本周于路易斯安那州新雷竞技app苹果版奥尔良举行的国际工作船展上再次展示其电力产品线。这次活动突出了海洋安全、技术、商业管理和政府对海洋行业的规定。作为双燃料和柴油发动机设计和制造领域的领导者,EMD将强调其通过最新Tier 4发动机(包括用于海上应用、固定式发电以及海上和陆地钻井平台的发动机)实现最高客户价值的承诺。

Part of EMD’s recent developments for its Power Product line includes an historic achievement in demonstrating U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Tier 4 Final and International Maritime Organization III emission levels with its EMD Series 710 Model E23, medium-speed, two-cycle engine. With these latest advancements, EMD anticipates it will receive certification of the engine to meet U.S. EPA Tier 4 Final and IMO III emissions standards.



EMD将在新奥尔良展示各种产品,包括双燃料喷射技术、组件展示和拖船内的沉浸式剧院体验。后者将展示EMD对客户对新船舶设计的最小空间要求的回应。EMD预计,新的美国EPA Tier 4最终设计将继续保持行业内最低的拥有和运营成本。

For more information on EMD Power Products, please visit//m.jsyg2010.com/powerproducts.

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About Progress Rail Services and Electro-Motive Diesel:

Progress Rail Services Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Caterpillar Inc., is a leading provider of locomotive, railcar, engineering and track products and services for the global railroad industry. Since acquiring Electro-Motive Diesel, Inc., (EMD) Progress Rail and EMD work as one team to design, manufacture and sell locomotives, engines and aftermarket parts for customers around the world. Headquartered in Albertville, Alabama, we serve our customers through a global network of 200 locations, with more than 8,000 employees. For more information, visitm.jsyg2010.comand follow @Progress_Rail on Twitter and YouTube.

我dia Contact:

Barbara Jansen
Office: 256.505.5054