
Electro-Motive Diesel to deliver six GT46AC locomotives to Ferronor in Chile

2013年8月5日 - Lagrange,Ill。 - Electro-motive Diesel,Inc。EMD机车模型GR12在智利中交付。

“我们很高兴Ferronor选择了EMD GT46AC机车。我们的AC牵引的生产率和性能提高代表了最新的EMD技术。与六轴直流电机车相比,AC牵引系统提供大约40%的牵引力,允许机车单位更换和更好的生命周期成本,“EMD首席执行官Billy Ainsworth表示。

To improve emissions and fuel economy, the 4,500 brake horsepower GT46AC locomotive offers a 16 cylinder 710G3C engine with electronic unit injection; variable speed cooling fans and traction motor blowers that optimize cooling while limiting parasitic load; and a split cooling radiator system. The self-steering trucks provide improved curve negotiation and wheel wear. To monitor the health of the locomotive, the IntellitrainTM system provides remote access to locomotive operation and performance, and the EM2000TM microprocessor control system provides complete self-diagnostics.



雷竞技app苹果版CARTPILLAR Inc.的全资子公司(CATRPILLAR INC.的全资附属公司)进度铁路服务公司超过8,000名员工在美国,加拿大,墨西哥,巴西,意大利,德国和英国提供超过165个地点的客户服务。雷竞技app苹果版进展铁路总部位于阿拉阿尔伯特维尔。

Through the acquisition of Electro-Motive Diesel, Inc. (EMD), Progress Rail has expanded its network of global locations, furthering a commitment to providing industry-leading products and services. Founded in 1922, Electro-Motive Diesel is an original equipment manufacturer of diesel-electric locomotives. Headquartered in LaGrange, Ill., EMD designs, manufactures and sells diesel-electric locomotives for all commercial railroad applications and is a global provider of diesel engines for marine propulsion, offshore and land-based oil well drilling rigs and stationary power generation. The company is the only diesel-electric locomotive manufacturer to have produced more than 72,500 engines and has the largest installed base in both North America and worldwide. EMD also has an extensive aftermarket business offering replacement parts, maintenance solutions and a range of value-added services.

关于Caterpillar Inc.:

超过85年,Caterpillar Inc.(Caterpillar)一直在实现可持续发展,并在各大陆的积极变化。凭借2012年的销售额和收入为658.75亿美元,Caterpillar是世界领先的建筑和采矿设备制造商,柴油和天然气发动机,工业燃气轮机和柴油电机。该公司还通过毛毛虫金融服务,毛毛虫再制造服务和进度铁路服务提供领先的服务提供商。雷竞技app苹果版更多信息可供选择:http://www.caterpillar.com.

