
Electro-Motive Diesel and MaK Asia to add EMD 710 engine to marine sales portfolio

December 2, 2013--LaGrange, Illinois – Electro-Motive Diesel (EMD), part of Progress Rail Services Corporation, a Caterpillar company, is proud to announce MaK Asia will be adding the EMD 710 two-cycle engine to their marine sales portfolio. This expands MaK Asia’s engine offerings while providing EMD customers in Asia with a local support channel. Marintec 2013 will be the first tradeshow featuring the new distribution.

EMD的电力产品销售业务主任Brian Grinter反映了利用MAK亚洲的好处,“EMD电力产品很兴奋,将亚洲作为团队的一部分。亚洲亚洲在澳大利亚向中国销售和服务具有出色的声誉。“

The EMD 710 engine has a proven legacy with an exciting future. “The architecture of the 710 two-cycle engine dates back almost 75 years to the first Series 567 two-cycle engines that powered the U.S. Navy’s fleet of Landing Ship Tank (LST) vessels in World War II,” affirmed Grinter. “Since World War II, the engine has undergone an evolution of comprehensive improvements to performance, reliability, serviceability and cost of ownership. Together with its Series 567 and Series 645 predecessors, the Series 710 engine is built on a legacy of more than 72,500 engines delivered worldwide.”

Beginning with IMO II emissions regulations, engine manufacturers were required to significantly reduce engine oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) emissions. EMD engineers found the Series 710 responded favorably to emissions reduction efforts, with several advantages over how competitive engines achieve the same standard. The result was a certified engine model that represented significant reductions in fuel and lube oil consumption from prior generations. EMD achieved this through enhancement of existing internal engine components.

“EMD’s engine model provides the lowest life cycle cost in the 1.4 to 4.0 Kw range,” Grinter continued. “Staying true to the continuous improvement mindset, EMD’s Series 710 two-cycle engine not only meets emissions standards, but also does so with further improvements to fuel and lube oil consumption without consequence to its performance. The 710 is a special product with many intrinsic merits yielding real measurable value for our customers in many facets of their operations, and we constantly receive positive feedback.”

EMD is actively developing products to meet future emissions regulations with a dual fuel natural gas option in 2014. “The future is certainly very exciting for EMD in the marine engine market, and EMD looks forward to supplying Series 710 medium-speed, two-cycle engines in step with its dynamic energy and regulatory landscapes,” Grinter added.

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Progress Rail Services Corporation (Progress Rail), a wholly owned subsidiary of Caterpillar Inc., is a leading supplier of remanufactured locomotive and railcar products and services to the railroad industry, operating one of the most extensive rail service and supply networks in North America. More than 8,000 employees serve customers in a network of more than 165 locations across the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Italy, Germany and the United Kingdom. Progress Rail is headquartered in Albertville, Ala.

通过收购电动动机柴油机公司(EMD),进展铁路已扩大其全球地点网络,进一步承诺提供业界领先的产品和服务。雷竞技app苹果版Electro-Motive Diesel公司成立于1922年,是柴油电力机车的原始设备制造商。总部位于Lagrange,Illange,EMD设计,制造和销售所有商业铁路应用的柴油电机,是海洋推进,海上和陆基油井钻井钻井平台和固定发电的全球柴油发动机提供商。该公司是唯一生产超过72,500台发动机的柴油电力机车制造商,拥有北美和全球最大的安装基地。EMD还拥有广泛的售后市场业务,提供零件,维护解决方案和一系列增值服务。

关于Mak Asia:
本公司包括两家法人实体 - 卡特彼勒海洋贸易上海有限公司和卡特彼勒海运AP PTE。在新加坡。广泛的亚太地区的覆盖范围是由两个分交换商赞美:澳大利亚的CJA和印度尼西亚的MDS。董刚作为覆盖韩国主要销售市场的专业销售代理商。

The overall organization is 120 people strong covering prime sales, Application & Installation engineering (A&I), project management, parts & service sales and service work handled by an extensive team of service engineers and workshop technicians. All MaK Asia employees are focused exclusively on medium speed engines and systems - MaK Marine, CM Petroleum and now EMD. The recent acquisition of Berg (now Caterpillar Propulsion) has added an in-house propulsion range for the marine market with A&I capability in Asia as well as Europe.


About Caterpillar Inc.:
超过85年,Caterpillar Inc.(Caterpillar)一直在实现可持续发展,并在各大陆的积极变化。凭借2012年的销售额和收入为658.75亿美元,Caterpillar是世界领先的建筑和采矿设备制造商,柴油和天然气发动机,工业燃气轮机和柴油电机。该公司还通过毛毛虫金融服务,毛毛虫再制造服务和进度铁路服务提供领先的服务提供商。雷竞技app苹果版更多信息可供选择:http://www.caterpillar.com.

Media Contact:

Barbara Jansen